About the "Be Who You Are" Song

One morning in April of 2016, David woke up with a song in his head. He immediately wrote down the lyrics of the song in the form of a poem and titled the poem “Be Who You Are” and added it to his book of poems and musings, which he published in the summer of 2017. In 2018 this poem was converted into a song. Click on the link directly below to watch and listen to a lyrics-on-screen music video of this song. The explanation of how this poem became this song is directly below the link.

When David first published his book of poems and musings, he included a parenthetical note under the title of this poem inviting anybody interested in helping him bring this song to life (interested in helping him transform this poem into a song) to contact him. Well, somebody did: a wonderful Mexican woman named Erika who had purchased his book about the meaning of life as well as his book of poems and musings from him on Lincoln Road in Miami Beach. She contacted him shortly after purchasing his books to inform him that she had loved his books and to let him know that she was a video producer who very much wanted to make videos about him and his World Without Walls project, which he describes near the end of his book about the meaning of life, to post the videos on YouTube in order to help him attract more people to join his efforts to transform our world for the better by developing the three practical projects he describes near the end of his book about the meaning of life. She also told him that her yoga teacher in Mexico was a singer and might be interested in helping him transform his poem into a song. After communicating with Yeye (Erika’s yoga teacher in Mexico, who is a singer) and Justin (Yeye’s husband, who is a musician) on Skype to explain to them what the song sounded like in his head, they recorded a version of this song that is even better than the version of this song that was in his head. Click on the link above to hear the song.