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David’s books are available from Amazon, where you can purchase them in paperback or hardcover or Kindle e-book formats. Below are the links to purchase his books from Amazon (just click on the Link under the image of the front cover of the book that you would like to order). You can also, if you prefer, purchase David’s books directly from him. The prices for the books if ordered from him are the same as the prices of his books on Amazon, but David does not charge shipping costs for orders within the United States. To order books from him, go to the CONTACT webpage of this website to learn how to contact him regarding ordering books from him, or regarding whatever else you would like to contact him about.

This clear, reasonable, satisfying explanation of the meaning of life explores topics such as our connection to God, human diversity, evil, death, purpose, social change, and making a difference.

This collection of poems and musings explore the thrill of passion, the pain of unrequited love, the mystery of death, and the mind of God.